Every year, as your kids grow up, your family holidays take on a different colour. Especially as they become teenagers! Here are 5 tips to make your next family trip with your teenager a successful one.
Disconnect to Reconnect
Are your conversations with your teenager a little rarer than you would hope? Then see this family holiday as a chance to reconnect. For a few hours, no technology allowed! Turn your cell phones off and stow away the video games, so you can enjoy some quality time with them during a hike in the forest, a walk in town or even a car ride. All of these simple activities are ideal moments for deeper conversations between you and your teenager.
Put them in the heat of the action
For most teenagers, the rule is simple: the more active, the better. Do not be afraid to suggest a series of intense activities – they will love you for it. Whether you choose luging, a day of alpine skiing in the winter or waterskiing in summer, your excitement and enthusiasm will go a long way in motivating them to take part in the activity themselves.
Do not underestimate their ravenous appetite
You can expect your teenager’s appetite to be intense after a full day spent expending energy. However, they will surely have a hard time hiding their enthusiasm when you suggest a visit to an ice cream or candy store, to highlight this family vacation. And why not make the most of their love of food to try out a new restaurant or to enjoy a nice family meal together? No cooking for you, no dish washing for them!
Be ready for any eventuality
The weather might not always be perfect but it does not mean you have to stay inside. You simply need a list of things to do in case of rain! And it doesn’t need to be complicated. Depending on your teenager’s tastes, a shopping spree for sports gear might just be the thing. Or you can take them swimming in our indoor aquatic center; by the time they are ready to leave, time will have flown by and the storm will have passed.
Plan for quieter moments
Your teenager might not ever seem tired but you might need a few moments to rest. Those quieter moments will let your recharge and fully enjoy the rest of your vacation. Stop by the beach, take the time to read by the pool or go back to your hotel for a quick nap. It won’t be long before your teenager is ready to get back into action!
As enjoyable as these activities can be, the above suggestions are only a means to an end: the point is to spend quality time with your children. After all, they will remember the family memories you create together for a long, long time!