For the past two weeks, the mountain’s snow team has been grooming into place the many tons of artificial snow accumulated on the trails during the final snow-making sprint. In the meantime, fresh snowfalls have offered powder lovers a great time! An abundant quantity of snow fell on the mountain in the past week and beautifully covered trails and glades. While snow removal is a nightmare in the cities, we are definitely rejoicing on the slopes!


At the end of powder-filled days, snow groomers must incorporate the fresh snow into the snowpack to optimize gliding qualities. By mechanically working the snow regularly, we are able to offer better conditions. Thus, every day, from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m., the snow groomers are working to bring the snow to the top of the slopes and then putting the finishing touches. On steep slopes, two special snow groomers are equipped with a 1000-metre cable winch. This winch assists the traction and is used alternately on the slopes depending on the conditions. The current temperatures are ideal to bring you the beautiful corduroy lines in the morning.

Glades, dependent on natural snowfalls, are currently very well covered. We can confirm that conditions are exceptional all over the mountain!



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