You love your employees. You truly appreciate their continued efforts and admire their daily commitment. But how often do you actually show them how much you care, whether through words or simple gestures?
Some Statistics About Employee Recognition
Employee recognition is not a selfless act of kindness. Caring for your team is an important management strategy that quickly pays for itself, in every possible way. Studies state that productivity increases by 25% in companies that invest in recognition. These same businesses are also 22% more profitable, and their employee retention levels are 50% higher. Powerful data that proves we should start caring about employee recognition right away!
A Part of Everyday Business
We have established that recognition is a critical part of doing business. But does recognition necessarily mean pay increases? Thankfully, it does not. On the contrary, recognition can be shown on a daily basis, in very simple ways.
For example, you can take the time to thank an employee who performed well on a project. You can spontaneously invite a team member for coffee, and ask him about his dreams and goals. You can be lenient with an employee asking to come in early so she can leave early. You can celebrate birthdays, work anniversaries, or invite your team for lunch. Every one of those little things counts when trying to bolster morale and loyalty.
Big Thank You’s
Obviously, big gestures are still important when trying to say Thank You. Team-building events and activities remain proven ways to tighten work relationships and reward your team members for their ongoing commitment.
Nothing beats a relaxing spa day paid for by the boss after an important meeting, dinner together or Happy Hour drinks to celebrate the end of a particularly grueling working session. Why not plan a ski day in the winter or a kayak adventure in the summer, the day after an important conference? Fresh air, especially when combined with laughter and physical activity, is an incredibly efficient way to disconnect from the office.
Not only will these out-of-the-box activities help you express your gratitude in more than words, but they are also wonderful ways of rewarding your team and giving them a true break from routine. In fact, it is often in those moments, removed from conventional frames, that the bonds between colleagues are strengthened and that the best ideas emerge!
You can reach our sales team at at anytime to assist you with planning your next team meeting at Tremblant.
We are looking forward to being a part of your next meeting.