Investments are not running out on the mountain. Indeed, another $14 million is being injected into mountain infrastructure for the 2019–2020 season. One of these big investments is in snowmaking. The overall snowmaking capacity will be improved with the addition of 90 state-of-the-art snow guns to the existing fleet, making it possible to produce a total of 87 feet of snow on one acre in just 24 hours!
The snowmaking systems on the Algonquin Trail on Versant Soleil will also be improved, providing more terrain for beginner and intermediate skiers over a longer period of time during the season. “A more efficient snowmaking system will allow us to extend the opening of this mountainside” said Patrice Malo, President and Chief Operating Officer of Station Mont Tremblant.
Engineering and architectural firms, municipal and government stakeholders, contractors, suppliers and internal experts worked hand in hand over several months to complete this ambitious project, which involves many sites including the snowmaking plant at the Diable River, the North Base plant, a new plant on the Jasey-Jay Anderson run and finally, at the plant on the Algonquin run.
Snow pipes were dismantled at the end of the season while there was still a lot of snow on the hill. It is quicker and safer to work on this layer of snow and makes for safer transportation.
After the snow melted, the soil was drained and an existing mountain road was rehabilitated to allow heavy equipment and materials to be transported to the Jasey-Jay Anderson site. Special attention was paid to water management and erosion control.
Piping optimization work was carried out at the river plant.
The foundations of the new building on the North base were built to accommodate four new pumps.
The same type of work was carried out at the future Jasey-Jay Anderson plant.
Fibre optic lines were passed from one plant to another to ensure communication for pump start-ups and to transmit operation data.
The foundations are completed at the North Base plant.